Maria Marco Devis
“A good start of the day is when I wake up and feel well rested. That is preferably after eight hours of sleep and fifteen minutes of snoozing. It makes me even happier when I go downstairs to prepare a good breakfast and I have enough time to do it.”
What I eat depends on the day and even more on the season, but I always have a black coffee and a freshly squeezed orange juice. The latter is a Spanish tradition and takes me back to when I was little and my mom made it for me, every single day. She would never serve us juice from a carton, except when there weren’t any oranges left on our fields.
Since I have left Valencia for Antwerp, I buy oranges in the supermarket to get my daily juice. Just in case the oranges are finished, I have a carton, as back up.
Before I met my husband, I always drank café latte with milk and a bit of sugar. Now I really hate sugared coffee. I just can’t drink it, it is impossible. Because I like my coffee really hot, I put it on the table at the very last moment, after everything else is already there. I always drink it out of the same glass too. That’s a thing of mine.
Today I had some toast with avocado for breakfast, topped with salt and a bit of sweet pepper. My mom always brings me that spice from Spain. Before I spread the avocado on it, I put two drops of olive oil on the bread. The taste is super nice and so addictive. Normally I have a kind of breakfast for a few weeks and then I switch.
My husband doesn’t have breakfast on weekdays, so I always eat alone. That is why I try to be downstairs before him; I enjoy this private moment to start my day. I kind of need it. Reading the news, drinking coffee… Altogether it takes fifteen to twenty minutes.
On Sundays my husband mostly wakes up saying: “Let’s have some breakfast!” He loves to take out koffiekoeken, I only eat them when I’m in the mood. We combine many things to eat on those mornings. It is like a ritual, which can last very long, because we talk for hours. Sunday breakfast is our thing and that is why I love it so much.
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